What The Spirit Says
Verse 1
- We read in the book of Revelation
- The Spirit is speaking the church
- That same Spirit is here
- Let nothing interfere
- As we heed every line
- and every word
Verse 2
- He said we must return to the altar
- And humble ourselves once again
- He said if we will pray
- And let Him have His way
- He’ll forgive our sins
- And heal our land
Chorus 1
- He that has an ear let him hear
- What the Spirit says
- What the Spirit says
- The Holy Ghost is speaking
- To the church once again
- We will say Amen Amen
Verse 3
- He said we’ll go forward like an army
- As we lay aside
- Every weight and sin
- Then we’ll hear a sound from Heaven
- Like rushing mighty wind
- And revival fire will fall on us again
Chorus 2
- He that has an ear let him hear
- What the Spirit says
- What the Spirit says
- The Holy Ghost is speaking
- To the church once again
- We will say Amen Amen
Chorus 3
- Lord we are ready to obey
- What the Spirit says
- What the Spirit says
- The Holy Ghost is speaking
- To the church once again
- We will say Amen Amen
Copyright © 2023 Blythe Music Group/BMICCLI Song# 7220781