Jesus Is Moving
- Jesus is moving
- He’s moving in this place
- The King of all glory
- is passing your way
- Just reach out and touch Him
- you’ll never be the same
- Jesus is moving
- He’s moving in this place
Verse 1
- We’ve come into His presence
- with weary hearts and minds
- We all have this in common
- we are fighting for our lives
- If you need a place of refuge
- His arms are reaching out
- If your body needs healing
- the Healer’s in the house
Verse 2
- He’s breaking every stronghold
- of fear and unbelief
- All the powers of darkness
- must crumble at His feet
- Every spirit of oppression
- must go in Jesus’ name
- For the Holy Ghost is moving
- He’s moving in this place
Copyright © 2018 Blythe Music Group/BMICCLI Song# 7177174