I’m Gonna Praise Him
Verse 1
- Locked up in a prison
- for preaching what was right
- Paul and Silas knew
- it would be a long hard night
- Everything looked hopeless
- as the jailer bound their feet
- But in the midnight hour
- they began to sing
- I’m gonna praise Him for who He is
- He’s the Great I Am
- In the middle of my time of trouble
- I’ve got to lift my hands
- Then something starts to happen
- that’s when the Lord steps in
- I’m gonna praise Him
- for who He is
Verse 2
- Sometimes I find myself
- in chains of fear and doubt
- Some would even tell me
- you’re never coming out
- But a prison cell can’t hold me
- when I begin to praise
- I know I’m coming out
- cause God’s gonna make a way
Copyright © 2020 Blythe Music Group/BMICCLI Song# 7190805