Clean The Deck
The USS Neosho was a tanker ship that supplied fuel for it’s assigned fleet during World War Two. Under the command of Captain John Phillips, sailors would work long hours as they refueled one ship after another in their battle against the Japanese. On May 7th, 1942, the Neosho and an escort ship were headed back to replenish it’s 6 million gallons of fuel when they were spotted by two Japanese planes. Upon the sighting, the pilots quickly returned to their carrier with the coordinates of the American tanker. Shortly thereafter, eighty Japanese planes lifted off into the sky. Their mission was to utterly destroy the two american ships!
Think It Not Strange
All at once, Captain Phillips spotted the first wave of bombers as they prepared for attack. He quickly issued orders for his men to take up positions at their assigned battle stations.
Beloved, think it not strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened unto you:
1 Peter 4:12
As the American sailors prepared for battle, every one of them knew why they were under attack. Too many Christians act confused when they come under attack. I’ve heard them cry, “Why me Lord?!” as they go through their trial. Friend, when you signed up for the war, you also signed up for the attack! If you are threatening the empire of Satan, he will most certainly send his demonic bombers to attack your mind!
A Critical Situation
The sounds of gunfire and explosions were deafening as the Japanese made their attack. After a valiant effort, Neosho’s escort received several direct hits and sank. The Neosho itself received three direct hits and began to tilt sideways as it took on water. The Japanese planes, assuming that she would soon sink, made their exit.
In aftermath of the attack, sounds of gunfire were replaced by cries of the wounded and dying. Young sailors that were burned beyond recognition cried out for their mothers while other sailors attempted to free the life rafts and prepare to abandon ship. Many of the ship’s life rafts were damaged beyond repair and sank when lowered into the water. For those in the few remaining life rafts, they could not paddle the estimated 500 miles to the nearest island. An even bigger problem was that no one in the US Navy knew exactly where the Neosho was located. Would rescue come in time – if at all?
A Strange Command
Captain Phillips could see that his men’s morale was sinking faster than the ship. He ordered men below to retrieve supplies before the ship was completely flooded. He then issued a strange command. His men were to clean and scrub the deck of all the blood and debris from the attack! Clean the deck of a ship in distress? His words were, “If I can keep my men busy, they won’t spend so much time brooding over their dire circumstances.”
Can you see anything spiritual here? All of the hurts and the heartaches of life will cause that sinking feeling of defeat. But I can hear God issuing the order to arise and clean the deck! We can keep looking at the damage or we can get busy for God! Do you feel too wounded to work for God? Oh can I remind you that He empowers wounded warriors?! He gives strength to the weak and to the weary.
He giveth power to the faint; and to them that have no might he increaseth strength.
Isaiah 40:29
Unlike the US Navy, God knows exactly where you are, right now! This attack did not catch him by surprise. And as we’ll read in next month’s devotion, rescue will come! But until then, let’s get up, lift our head and get busy cleaning the deck!