A Salvation Miracle
A few weeks ago, we were blessed as a dear 92-year-old sister was filled to overflowing with the power of the Holy Ghost. She shared a moving testimony of her late husband’s recent deathbed conversion. He had the dreaded disease of Alzheimer’s and it appeared that he would die without salvation. But miraculously, God lifted this disease long enough for him to be reconciled to his family and to accept Jesus into his heart. Shortly afterward, the Alzheimer’s returned and he made his crossing to Heaven’s shore. Oh! What mercy!
At the very next meeting, it was glorious to witness ten people come to know the Lord. It’s been a while since we’ve seen this many walk down the aisle in the same week. If you’re praying for a lost loved one, we hope that you’ll be encouraged by these testimonies. The blood of Jesus still saves in 2024!